I need your help! I am in search of a word. I need a word that I can use when I talk/write about Leif's year away from home while he is in school. If he were in the military, the word would be "deployment." If he were going on a mission, I would use "mission." If he was running away from work and school I would use the word "sabbatical." However, none of those words apply to our situation. So, my wise friends and family, I will open this up to you. What word would you use for this situation? I look forward to your suggestions!

Comment From Lee Hunt:
He's going on a MISSION to secure his family's future!
He's going on a SUBBATICAL to study at a different location so he can get his doctoring degree.
He's going on DEPLOYMENT with the full armour of God!
He's going on a TRUANCY from regular duties.
You're both going on ADVENTURES.
You're going on a MISS-HIM while he's gone!
Love, Dad
Thanks Dad, Loved your thoughts!!
I would use "training" or "school."
And I want to thank you for your comment on my blog. I was telling Hubby the other week how I'm sad because very few people read my blog and make comments. I want someone to read my blog and think, that was funny and creative and it made me laugh (or something to that effect.)You said exactly what I wanted to hear and you did it without me asking for someone to leave such a comment. You made my day. :)
One of the moms in my homeschooling group has a husband in the military he is assigned to California but because he is close to retirement they are settling in Southern Utah. She calls what he is doing geobaching
a geographical bachelor.
Hmmm - "adventure" is the only word that comes to mind - or school adventure. ? Hopefully my mom chimes in here. She's pretty good with words.
Thank you everyone! These are some great suggestions! @Molly, My pleasure, really!:) @Harmony, that's an interesting way to put it. Thanks again everyone!
Love your blog Lena
Thanks Brandie!
He's going on an educational quest...Or his own 'Pursuit of Happiness'
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