The Simple Woman's Daybook is a wonderful network of "Simple Women" recording their supposed simple lives, yet often inspiring the reader of their Daybook. We write in our Daybook every Monday. Please feel free to join us! Click on the photo above for more information! Thank You Peggy for hosting The Simple Woman's Daybook!
FOR TODAY: July 21, 2008 (11:48PM) ...Outside My Window... Right now I can't see out my window because it is covered by the curtain to block out tomorrows early morning sunrise. If I could see out, I'm guessing I would see that it is very dark out and the light of the street corner lamp in illuminating the neighbors back yard.
I am thinking... About how much I have enjoyed getting all of my blogs put together so well tonight, but I worry about how late it is and that I really should be asleep. The baby will wake to nurse before I know it.
I am thankful for... The gospel of Jesus Christ, Inspiring Women, and My Amazing Husband.
From the kitchen... I can see the glow of the nightlight that will light my path to the baby as soon as I am finished here.
I am wearing... An old button up light weight floral house dress. It was a gift from the local Humanitarian Aid Club - Thrift Store Clothes Give-Away at the local library. What a blessing they have been in our life!
I am creating... Wonderful blog (journals) for our family and my individual children. I hope that they will treasure them in the years to come.
I am going... To bed as soon as I am done here.... unless I think of something else I wanted to get done tonight.:)
I am reading... My scriptures a little bit more each week, the series Faith Of Our Fathers (a novel about life during the Civil War. Excellent!)
I am hoping... To feel a whole lot better tomorrow! My throat has been in pain all weekend.
I am hearing... The hum of the AC and the fan. Sometimes I wish I could just turn everything off and have silence. But then we can hear the neighbors dogs, and no matter how much I want, I can't turn them off!
Around the house... Things are actually quite tidy. Such a good feeling.
One of my favorite things... Is to have some quiet time to myself to do the research I so much enjoy (Natural Medicine), and to watch my three year old son dance!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Pull a couple of big buckets under the roof where the rain runs off to catch it, then siphon it out and water the garden with the rain water. Go Visiting Teaching, Celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary, Celebrate Pioneer Day (Jakob will be on a float:)
Here is picture thought I am sharing... This is Leif and My Wedding Engagement Photo.

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