Today was a wonderful day! We all slept in a bit because it was cloudy outside. When we woke up we had a yummy breakfast of Sunshine Toast (eggs fried in the middle of bread.) Leif and Jakob set up the conference tent while I made breakfast.
All of our conference helps were just that, a great help! We were all able to pay attention a lot better. All of the chocolate and junk wiped me out. But MMM they were yummy! BINGO was the biggest hit. Jakob payed attention well and earned plenty of candy from that. I of course was just happy to have him with us and basking in the spirit and listening for special words and phrases here and there. However, I am often amazed by how much he actually takes in during things like this.

Leif and I feel like we were able to really get what we needed out of the talks so far. He went to the Priesthood Session and came home with that glow from the upliftment that the spirit brings. We felt the strong guidance of the spirit reminding us to be careful as we accept financial aid for school. Leif also feels that he was directed to talk with certain people while at the priesthood session. He feels that there are good things in the works for possible massage therapy employment in the future as we need it. That might help us be more self reliant. A great blessing. I am the "deep Thinker" out of Leif and I (at least when it comes to expressing my thoughts) So I was touched by the talks that focused on our temple covenants and eternal families. Words can't really express my gratitude for the sealing power of eternal marriage which makes eternal families....
This picture captured how I felt today with my family.
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